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Sajjad Shaukat
Born in Lahore (Pakistan), I got master degrees in English and Journalism, including diploma in English Learning and Teaching from the University of Punjab. I am a freelance writer and wrote a number of articles on various topics of international affairs, published in Pakistan’s English newspapers world\'s renowned websites. Besides, I also wrote a book, “US vs Islamic, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations”, published by Ms. Ferozsons Pvt. Lahore in 2005. In the book, I have evolved a thesis that the non-state actors like Islamic militants are checking the world dominance of the US-led allies. However, I have condemned the old theories which support role of force and power in international affairs. Taking the ongoing global war on terror as a conflict between the privileged and unprivileged status quo, I have suggested reforming the unequal world order. And I have favoured global peace, based upon idealism--which is possible by reconciling realism with idealism. Moreover, it is essential for America and its Western allies to combat terrorism by resolving various issues like Palestine, Kashmir, Syrian crisis etc., and by acting upon an exit strategy Afghanistan. Moreover, my future assessments like failure of military paradigm by the state actors in coping with the non-state actors, increase in US cost of war, rise of more terrorism, plane plot in UK and present international financial crisis have proved true. So, central thesis of the book remains valid today. It is the third time that my book has been reprinted by the publisher in the end of April, 2018 with a special note added by the publisher on the summary, given on the back page title, “central thesis of the book remains valid and author’s future assessments proved true.” Now, present terrorism related developments and their implications are quite in accordance with my future assessments, made in the book.
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Apartheid-Israel and India, Using Similar Tactics in the Occupied Territories
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38 views | War and Conflict | Nov 12 2023 01:15